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I Sold Two Bikes For $0 on Facebook Marketplace

It was time to I listed my bikes for sale
Video: Seth // Words: Daniel

The Kent Trouvaille and Ozark Trail Ridge were two of the more memorable bikes that came into Seth’s fleet in the last two years. They’ve both seen their fair share of upgrades and trail miles. They’ve served Seth well. However, it was time for them to go on to a new home, so we went on the search to find the right people.

One would think that listing a bike on Facebook Marketplace would be fairly easy for either of us, especially Seth. However, it’s anything but that. There are people who want to waste your time, spammers, ridiculous questions, and more. While all of those things are common for anyone selling or buying anything on that platform, they’re exponentially exaggerated when they get an idea of whose bike it is.

The bikes were listed for pretty fair prices, especially given all of the upgrades they underwent. Unsurprisingly, there was a good bit of interest. But unbeknownst to the buyers, until they actually met Seth for the transaction, their money was no good. These bikes were being given away. But, no matter how much good you do, there’s always the optics of it all…and someone will always find fault.

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